Aaaand what's the topic of the day? Politics!! I know, I know. When you see something with the suffix '-tastic' in the title, you don't automatically jump to politics. But that's the beauty of Blog-tastic Tuesday! I get to write about something outside the Carli box. And for those that know me well, politics is waaaay outside my box. I hate them. With a passion. I vote, but rarely as an educated voter. Which brings me to the catalyst behind this post.
It's already happening. We're coming up on an election year and we are already bombarded with the political circus. This morning I was watching my favorite morning ritual, the Today Show, and there was an expose' on Mitt Romney in the first 30 minutes. The FIRST thirty minutes! I wonder how much he paid for that?? I listened to the interview and I thought, sure, I'd vote for him. Then I realized just how shallow my opinion was and how easy my approval was won. Lame. I'm like a political prostitute. "Sure, you've got my vote. Oh and so do you! And you do too! Sure, why not?!"
During the last election I legitimately tried to educate myself. Now I didn't go watching CNN for hours but I did Google the heck out of the candidates. Basically they all said the same thing. "I can fix all the nation's problems. All other candidates are incompetent." How in the Hades are we supposed to choose a President when they all argue and backstab and spin headlines and point fingers and make promises and have love-children with maids and gay sons in the closet?
It makes my head spin! It's no wonder I've never held interest in it before. It's a circus but not the good kind. And it makes me sick the amount of money they spend to get our votes. If they all just told the truth and said what they would really do for the American public, all that money could be spent on, say, education? Public safety? The economy? Job placement agencies? If they all just told the truth they wouldn't need millions and millions of dollars and an entourage to make themselves look good.
So that's why I've never been interested in Politics. When I feel uneducated or ignorant, I think about the fact that I choose to be that way. They can wear all the American flag pins they want but at the end of the day we still don't know who they are. If being uneducated and ignorant means not being subjected to their Oscar-worthy speeches, then I'm okay with that. (This is where I fold my arms and give an authoritative head bob)
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Pros and Cons
I decided, after much introspection, that I, in fact, am not perfect. *GASP* "What? What's that you say, Carli? It can't be true!!"
Yes. Yes it can.
There are definitely things I'm good at; however, the list of things I'm NOT good at is extensive. For some reason, I have a hankering to make a list of both.
Let's start with the cons so we can end on a good note:
1. Cleaning house. Mostly because I hate it.
2. Math. Again, I hate it. Thanks a lot, Mr. Howeth.
3. Listening for long periods of time. Just not gonna happen.
4. Being told I'm wrong. Proooobably not gonna win that battle even if I KNOW I'm in fact wrong.
5. Managing my time. I think this list is a good example.
6. Following through with projects.
7. Multi-tasking. It hurts my brain.
8. Keeping my mouth shut. I am constantly tasting the flavor of my own feet.
9. Losing. Believe it or not, I'm VERY competitive. That's why I never played sports. I hated what they did to me.
10. Gardening. Even my poor Chia pet is losing its oomph.
Okay, those weren't so bad. There are a lot more things I suck at, but I don't want to be too much of a debbie downer.
Things I'm good at. yay! The fun part:
1. Singing.
2. Making people laugh.
3. Creative projects. Unfortunately, see item #6 above.
4. I'm a good motivator.
5. Playing with my kids.
6. Exercising. I don't really know if that's something you can be good at, but I feel like I am.
7. Cooking, when I get the itch.
8. Writing
As you'll notice, there are fewer Pros than Cons. Isn't that just the way we all feel about ourselves? It's so easy to pick out things we don't like. I didn't even TOUCH my own body image issues! Phew, that would have been another list entirely!
I guess I feel like this list warranted being made because I'm still exploring myself as a person these days. I will have to peruse old journals to see if a similar list exists from, say, my high school years. What would have been on my list then? Cheerleading, talking on the phone, making jokes about teachers, having lots of boyfriends (is that a Pro or a decide).
I bet I look back on this list ten years from now and laugh and think, 'Oh, what a schmuck I was!'
I challenge you to make your own list. Go on, give it a shot. You can do it! You're a great person with lots of your own Pros. Let's hear 'em! See, told you I was a good motivator. ;)
Yes. Yes it can.
There are definitely things I'm good at; however, the list of things I'm NOT good at is extensive. For some reason, I have a hankering to make a list of both.
Let's start with the cons so we can end on a good note:
1. Cleaning house. Mostly because I hate it.
2. Math. Again, I hate it. Thanks a lot, Mr. Howeth.
3. Listening for long periods of time. Just not gonna happen.
4. Being told I'm wrong. Proooobably not gonna win that battle even if I KNOW I'm in fact wrong.
5. Managing my time. I think this list is a good example.
6. Following through with projects.
7. Multi-tasking. It hurts my brain.
8. Keeping my mouth shut. I am constantly tasting the flavor of my own feet.
9. Losing. Believe it or not, I'm VERY competitive. That's why I never played sports. I hated what they did to me.
10. Gardening. Even my poor Chia pet is losing its oomph.
Okay, those weren't so bad. There are a lot more things I suck at, but I don't want to be too much of a debbie downer.
Things I'm good at. yay! The fun part:
1. Singing.
2. Making people laugh.
3. Creative projects. Unfortunately, see item #6 above.
4. I'm a good motivator.
5. Playing with my kids.
6. Exercising. I don't really know if that's something you can be good at, but I feel like I am.
7. Cooking, when I get the itch.
8. Writing
As you'll notice, there are fewer Pros than Cons. Isn't that just the way we all feel about ourselves? It's so easy to pick out things we don't like. I didn't even TOUCH my own body image issues! Phew, that would have been another list entirely!
I guess I feel like this list warranted being made because I'm still exploring myself as a person these days. I will have to peruse old journals to see if a similar list exists from, say, my high school years. What would have been on my list then? Cheerleading, talking on the phone, making jokes about teachers, having lots of boyfriends (is that a Pro or a decide).
I bet I look back on this list ten years from now and laugh and think, 'Oh, what a schmuck I was!'
I challenge you to make your own list. Go on, give it a shot. You can do it! You're a great person with lots of your own Pros. Let's hear 'em! See, told you I was a good motivator. ;)
Friday, May 20, 2011
When I grow up...
When I was in 4th grade, I signed autographs for my classmates and told them it would be worth something one day because I was going to be a famous country singer. When I was in junior high, I went with my aunt to a Take Your Daughter to Work Day and sat in her cubicle doing "fun" data entry stuff and thought...Yeah! This would be so much fun! Then when I was in high school I decided to be a psychologist. Like maybe I could cure all my fellow crazies out there.
But as the story goes, I joined the National Guard to pay for college to become the thing that I wanted to be except by the time I actually got to college and had all the opportunities in front of me...I had NO idea what I actually wanted to make a career out of.
Eight years, a deployment, one kid, one husband, and seven majors later, I STILL didn't know what I wanted to do! I took countless Intro To _____ classes exploring different options. I changed majors according to job markets, my own tastes, and which ones didn't require Calculus. And somehow I managed to get a Bachelor's Degree in....wait for it.....Interdisciplinary Studies! Wait, what? Yeah. It's a degree in nothing and everything, but really it's a degree in two different majors. Mine is between Education and Physical Fitness. Funny thing about having half a degree in two things - you can't actually DO either of them professionally. Go figure.
While my degree did get me a professional job as an Program Support Assistant, this was NOT one of my dream jobs from childhood. Now that my official title is Super Mom Extraordinaire, I find myself thinking about my next career path. I'm in no hurry to go back to work, but eventually the kids will both be in school and I'll be left with some hours to fill. So...if I had it to do allll over again, what would I pick?? Going back to school is not an option right now. That rules out Anesthesiologist. (Those of you that understand my ADD issues realize just how funny that is. Can you imagine?) is something I could pick up and gradually get into on my own. My girlfriend recently told me I should be a Zumba instructor. I like to doing crafts and stuff, but isn't very profitable. . .
Hmmm...well, while my college days are over -and when I say college days I mean the days of having no one to consider but myself- I feel like I can still dream about what I want to be someday. Who knows, maybe I'll become a famous singer after all.
But as the story goes, I joined the National Guard to pay for college to become the thing that I wanted to be except by the time I actually got to college and had all the opportunities in front of me...I had NO idea what I actually wanted to make a career out of.
Eight years, a deployment, one kid, one husband, and seven majors later, I STILL didn't know what I wanted to do! I took countless Intro To _____ classes exploring different options. I changed majors according to job markets, my own tastes, and which ones didn't require Calculus. And somehow I managed to get a Bachelor's Degree in....wait for it.....Interdisciplinary Studies! Wait, what? Yeah. It's a degree in nothing and everything, but really it's a degree in two different majors. Mine is between Education and Physical Fitness. Funny thing about having half a degree in two things - you can't actually DO either of them professionally. Go figure.
While my degree did get me a professional job as an Program Support Assistant, this was NOT one of my dream jobs from childhood. Now that my official title is Super Mom Extraordinaire, I find myself thinking about my next career path. I'm in no hurry to go back to work, but eventually the kids will both be in school and I'll be left with some hours to fill. So...if I had it to do allll over again, what would I pick?? Going back to school is not an option right now. That rules out Anesthesiologist. (Those of you that understand my ADD issues realize just how funny that is. Can you imagine?) is something I could pick up and gradually get into on my own. My girlfriend recently told me I should be a Zumba instructor. I like to doing crafts and stuff, but isn't very profitable. . .
Hmmm...well, while my college days are over -and when I say college days I mean the days of having no one to consider but myself- I feel like I can still dream about what I want to be someday. Who knows, maybe I'll become a famous singer after all.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Who Knew?
A few of you have commented on how much you like my blog recently and I gotta say, I'm shocked people actually read my silly ramblings. Most of the time, my writing is more of a cathartic thirty-minute 'getaway' rather than something intended to entertain others. I've kept a journal/diary off and on since I was little. Remember those cute little Dear Diaries that had a lock and key? Turns out those weren't too hard to pick. I found that out when my stinky brother Cody and his friends started reading it aloud and laughed hysterically while I screamed and cried for him to shut up. My deepest, darkest secret revealed: I had a crush on Casey/Dustin/Jimmy/Clint/Willie or whoever it was that week.
I like to think my journals have evolved since then. I wrote throughout high school about proms and fights and more crushes. Nothing terribly deep in comparison to real life these days, but Ohhh they were my MOST treasured thoughts! Sometimes I couldn't go to sleep until I got all those gems out of my head. College days, I didn't write much. I was too busy working and going to school and keeping up with my cheating boyfriend. But then when I was deployed, I kept every letter I ever got and those became my journal, a journal of everything that happened when I was gone.
Now that the kiddos are the center of my universe, I journal about them. Each of them have their own journal and I try to write in them about once a month. Funny things they say or do, challenges, triumphs, my feelings for them at that particular moment. Mostly, I do it for myself, so I won't forget all the little details that seem to melt away as new years come and they become different people than they were the day before.
So I'm flattered that so many of you enjoy my writing. Kind of makes me feel the need to up the ante just a tad. All the same, I put a lot personal feelings out there for all the world to see. As my blog is rightly titled, this is me now. I'm glad you all dig it.
I like to think my journals have evolved since then. I wrote throughout high school about proms and fights and more crushes. Nothing terribly deep in comparison to real life these days, but Ohhh they were my MOST treasured thoughts! Sometimes I couldn't go to sleep until I got all those gems out of my head. College days, I didn't write much. I was too busy working and going to school and keeping up with my cheating boyfriend. But then when I was deployed, I kept every letter I ever got and those became my journal, a journal of everything that happened when I was gone.
Now that the kiddos are the center of my universe, I journal about them. Each of them have their own journal and I try to write in them about once a month. Funny things they say or do, challenges, triumphs, my feelings for them at that particular moment. Mostly, I do it for myself, so I won't forget all the little details that seem to melt away as new years come and they become different people than they were the day before.
So I'm flattered that so many of you enjoy my writing. Kind of makes me feel the need to up the ante just a tad. All the same, I put a lot personal feelings out there for all the world to see. As my blog is rightly titled, this is me now. I'm glad you all dig it.

Thursday, May 12, 2011
For some reason, I need a reason to do things. It takes outside motivators to get me to all the mundane things that people are "supposed" to do. If it were up to me, I'd rarely pick up my clothes out of the floor. But thanks to the motivation of my hubby (and when I say motivation, I really mean nagging) I keep them picked up. Doctor's and dentist visits? When nothing is wrong?! Pa-shaw! Getting out of bed BEFORE the baby cries? Are you mental?! I'm just NOT a self-motivator. I've known this for a long time and I'm finally ready to admit it.
Since the beginning of my stint as a stay-at-home-mom (SAHM), I've looked for legitimate ways to make money from home. But most of them require being your own boss. And I can finally say I know myself well enough that I would be a really friggin easy boss. Wanna take the day off? Suurrre...go ahead! You know what, self, just take the whole week off...What's that?....ohhh, it's nothing, really. Enjoy yourself! See where this is going?
I'm about to start round 2 of Biggest Loser. I rocked the first one, lost a lot of weight that I've been telling myself to lose for the last four years. But, surprise surprise, it took a competition (and prize money) to motivate me to do it. What happened when the competition ended? I gained 8 pounds. Son of a motherless goat.
I'm sick of "needing" something to get me going!!! Why can't I just WANT to do these things?? Does everyone just have to MAKE themselves do the crap they don't want to do? I'd like to walk to the pantry and say no to junk because IIIII don't want it, not because I have a weigh-in on Monday. That's why I sometimes think I should have been a personal trainer. Then it would be my JOB to look good. But alas, I am not. Nor will I ever be.
So I'm back to self-motivation. Sadly, I have no epiphany. No "aha moment". Just gotta get the lead out, Carl.
Since the beginning of my stint as a stay-at-home-mom (SAHM), I've looked for legitimate ways to make money from home. But most of them require being your own boss. And I can finally say I know myself well enough that I would be a really friggin easy boss. Wanna take the day off? Suurrre...go ahead! You know what, self, just take the whole week off...What's that?....ohhh, it's nothing, really. Enjoy yourself! See where this is going?
I'm about to start round 2 of Biggest Loser. I rocked the first one, lost a lot of weight that I've been telling myself to lose for the last four years. But, surprise surprise, it took a competition (and prize money) to motivate me to do it. What happened when the competition ended? I gained 8 pounds. Son of a motherless goat.
I'm sick of "needing" something to get me going!!! Why can't I just WANT to do these things?? Does everyone just have to MAKE themselves do the crap they don't want to do? I'd like to walk to the pantry and say no to junk because IIIII don't want it, not because I have a weigh-in on Monday. That's why I sometimes think I should have been a personal trainer. Then it would be my JOB to look good. But alas, I am not. Nor will I ever be.
So I'm back to self-motivation. Sadly, I have no epiphany. No "aha moment". Just gotta get the lead out, Carl.
Monday, May 9, 2011
I have a lot of thoughts in my head today. I'm kidless again and ohhh, the possibilities. But I decided to take a more productive approach to my temporary freedom. Keep in mind, I've already gotten some of these done, I'm just taking a break to clear my head.
Thoughts after weighing this morning: $#!%!! $&%@!! &@! I've gained 7 lbs back. What am I gonna do? P90X...that's such an intense workout but gets the job done. Gotta do something or I'll be right back where I started. Dang I was doing so good! Hmmm...what can I eat? No! No no no...focus. Okay, I'll eat nothing but Slim-Fast the rest of the week. Yes, that'll work. No, I'm already hungry just thinking about it. K, I'll watch Biggest Loser and do the Abs Diet. Will read Abs Diet book and make shopping list while I suntan this afternoon. Okay, got a plan. (Then I went and did P90X, but my favorite one, not the hardest one).
Thoughts about housework: Okay, been saying I was going to deep clean carpets for months. Gotta do it. No matter what. Think of it as more exercise...yeah, I'm not any more excited about it. Just gotta suck it up and do it. Man, I'd rather drink coffee and watch Kathy Lee and Hoda. Nope, get up and do it. (Did it. Done.)
Thoughts about the rest of my to-do list: Need to look at project, need to finish laundry from last week and restart laundry for this week. Bollucks. Need to shower at some point today. Would be nice to clean out the car, but what's the point? Okay, these aren't so bad, I'm just procrastinating because I hate doing them. Just do it and it's over and I can enjoy the rest of the afternoon. Okay. Sounds like a plan.
Other random thoughts: I'd like to go to the library. Don't have time. I'd like to finish my pomander project. I guess that can wait. There's a lot more housework I could add to previous list, but, eh, not today. Hey! I could go use the neighborhood gym for once! Not a bad idea! Still can't get that dream out of my head. I dreamed I lost Mia, looked everywhere for her, and then remembered I had left her in the car. I watched The Hangover last night, maybe that's why - kind of the same story line. Speaking of Mia, gotta go pump.
Okay, I think I feel a little less scatter-brained than 20 minutes ago. Better, yes. Laundry here I come!
Thoughts after weighing this morning: $#!%!! $&%@!! &@! I've gained 7 lbs back. What am I gonna do? P90X...that's such an intense workout but gets the job done. Gotta do something or I'll be right back where I started. Dang I was doing so good! Hmmm...what can I eat? No! No no no...focus. Okay, I'll eat nothing but Slim-Fast the rest of the week. Yes, that'll work. No, I'm already hungry just thinking about it. K, I'll watch Biggest Loser and do the Abs Diet. Will read Abs Diet book and make shopping list while I suntan this afternoon. Okay, got a plan. (Then I went and did P90X, but my favorite one, not the hardest one).
Thoughts about housework: Okay, been saying I was going to deep clean carpets for months. Gotta do it. No matter what. Think of it as more exercise...yeah, I'm not any more excited about it. Just gotta suck it up and do it. Man, I'd rather drink coffee and watch Kathy Lee and Hoda. Nope, get up and do it. (Did it. Done.)
Thoughts about the rest of my to-do list: Need to look at project, need to finish laundry from last week and restart laundry for this week. Bollucks. Need to shower at some point today. Would be nice to clean out the car, but what's the point? Okay, these aren't so bad, I'm just procrastinating because I hate doing them. Just do it and it's over and I can enjoy the rest of the afternoon. Okay. Sounds like a plan.
Other random thoughts: I'd like to go to the library. Don't have time. I'd like to finish my pomander project. I guess that can wait. There's a lot more housework I could add to previous list, but, eh, not today. Hey! I could go use the neighborhood gym for once! Not a bad idea! Still can't get that dream out of my head. I dreamed I lost Mia, looked everywhere for her, and then remembered I had left her in the car. I watched The Hangover last night, maybe that's why - kind of the same story line. Speaking of Mia, gotta go pump.
Okay, I think I feel a little less scatter-brained than 20 minutes ago. Better, yes. Laundry here I come!
Friday, May 6, 2011
Second time around

When Jace was little(er), I had a crappy video camera that took an adapter to be played on tv. It was bulky and constantly needed to be charged. As a result, I just don't have that many videos of Jace before he was 2. I'm kicking myself. For Mother's Day last year, hubby got me a Flip camera. It's tiny, easy to use, one plug and I have instant videos on Youtube and FB. Mia is 8 months old and I already have hundreds of videos of her.
I'm really afraid Jace will get offended one day, just as I did after seeing my oldest sister's baby book overflowing with detail and pictures and mine only half-finished. I was given the explanation that after the first two kids, moms just don't have much time to mess with baby books. I guess my explanation to Jace will be...I didn't know what I had till it was gone.
Holding Mia and watching her do so many great baby things, I relish every minute because I know it's the last time I'll have a baby of my own. I want all her sweet baby moments on camera so I can look back at them and remember her before she grew boobs and started being embarrassed by me. And the only reason I know to do that is because Jace's baby moments just flew by me. Poof. Gone.
It's sad that I don't have more memories I can see on a screen, but I haven't forgotten his baby face. I use that Flip camera just as much on Jace as I do Mia now. It took the second one to help me love the first one even more.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Blogging+coffee+happy kids= Good times, good times
Mia's in her high chair enjoying a puff (little dissolvable treats, not the hashish variety), Jace is content with George and Choc-choc, I've got my highly-sugared-and-doctored-so-much-you-can-hardly-call-it-coffee coffee, and I've got 30 minutes to blog and check FB. There's a voice whispering to're an adult now! You drink morning coffee and watch birds eat seed on your back porch! Congratulations!! But seriously, why doesn't everyone do this??? I can totally see my teen aged nieces sipping Folgers and commenting on the variety of blue jays!
I've definitely settled into some new habits in my "old age". Shea commented that I wasn't nearly as picky about things when we first got married and I agree. But then he said, maybe I've just grown up a bit and have figured out what I like and what I don't like. Hmmm...if my level of pickiness has increased that much in 7 years then I guess I can understand why old women get so cranky when they don't get what they want.
Lately I've been baking and cooking new meals that don't include boxes or "adding water". As mentioned before I started drinking coffee (if you can call it that). I'm not so committed to this new habit that I require a coffee maker. But I have fancy creamer and Folgers Singles. And also mentioned before, we like to watch the birds on our back porch. A fun outing is a trip to the library. And a hectic day is a trip to the grocery store with napless kids. Awww how things change. I like it though.
If this is getting old, then I guess I'm okay with that. But geez, I hope I'm not having mid-life symptoms. I heard the song "Remember When" yesterday and the line "Remember when...30 seemed so old. Now looking back it's just a stepping stone." Kind of got me choked up. I squnched both of my kids and thought about how fast everything changes. It's nice to live in the slow-lane.
I've definitely settled into some new habits in my "old age". Shea commented that I wasn't nearly as picky about things when we first got married and I agree. But then he said, maybe I've just grown up a bit and have figured out what I like and what I don't like. Hmmm...if my level of pickiness has increased that much in 7 years then I guess I can understand why old women get so cranky when they don't get what they want.
Lately I've been baking and cooking new meals that don't include boxes or "adding water". As mentioned before I started drinking coffee (if you can call it that). I'm not so committed to this new habit that I require a coffee maker. But I have fancy creamer and Folgers Singles. And also mentioned before, we like to watch the birds on our back porch. A fun outing is a trip to the library. And a hectic day is a trip to the grocery store with napless kids. Awww how things change. I like it though.
If this is getting old, then I guess I'm okay with that. But geez, I hope I'm not having mid-life symptoms. I heard the song "Remember When" yesterday and the line "Remember when...30 seemed so old. Now looking back it's just a stepping stone." Kind of got me choked up. I squnched both of my kids and thought about how fast everything changes. It's nice to live in the slow-lane.
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